Do You Have the Monday Blues?

About a month ago I did some coaching for a friend and she sent me a product that I’ve been using for the past month.

WOW…that’s all I can say about it. I am shocked and amazed at the results that have been taking place. My body not only feels better, I look better. Everything from my hair to skin to nails have seen improvement. My overall health and mood are improving daily.  Visit the “Home” tab above to read all about what this wonderful product is doing for me.

So…I decided to become an independent representative of this awesome company. Why not? I wanted to share this with everyone I know anyway, so why not get paid to refer people to the product?

As you may know, from the mid 90s until about 2008 I worked from home doing network marketing and built a nice income in a couple different companies. In 2006, I started my Virtual Assistant business and worked with people all over the world helping them organize and run their small to medium sized businesses. I also coached entrepreneurs from around 2008 until 2015. In 2015, I decided that I wanted to go back to the “real world” and work with people personally instead of virtually. I went against everything I taught and opted for the “security” of a job. (That ended up being the worst move EVER!)

In 2017, I fell at work and hurt my left knee. I didn’t go to the doctors right away because I thought it would get better and I was covering a maternity leave. There was no one to take over for me. Over the next couple months my knee got worse, not better. It got to the point where I couldn’t walk up the stairs without almost falling. My boss talked me into sticking it out until after our year end accounting was finished before I went to the doctors. Turns out I was making it worse by all of the walking and stair climbing I had to do. The orthopedic surgeon pulled me out of work for a few months while I did physical therapy and had shots in my knee. That helped a bit and I returned to work after the company moved my office to the first floor because I was still unable to walk without a cane and unable to do stairs.

In January of 2018,  on a horribly cold, snowy and windy day, as I was walking to my car at the end of the day, my knee gave out, my cane slipped on the ice  that was under the snow and down I went again. This time I hurt both knees and my left ankle. UUGGHHH… I was immediately pulled from work again.

It’s been ten months and seven of those have been spent fighting with Worker’s Compensation companies because they agree that I’m 100% disabled, but don’t agree who has to pay. Between the first fall and the second fall, my employer switched comp carriers. I’ve had no treatment other than visiting the doctor every month to have her say “Yup…everything is still the same”. She orders PT and other things, but comp denies all treatment.

Fast forward to now. I am still waiting for the judge to decide who has to pay what percentage and who owes me what.  Due to the time lost from work, the company has terminated me. That is illegal and will be dealt with by my attorney when and if I can return to work (which I doubt I will be able to).

Why am I telling you all of this? Everyone needs to understand that there is no such thing as job security! It doesn’t exist.

I have decided to take control of my own future!! I’m not playing this game with them anymore. I’m starting a home business again.

If you are interested in taking control of your own future, visit here and choose a time for an information session with me. We can meet by phone or video and I’ll give you all of the information you need to make an informed decision. No obligation!

I hope to hear from you soon! This opportunity is the most amazing thing I’ve come across in all of my years working from home.

Have a most perfect day!

Coach Roxanne Signature